As a result, the analysts might suggest that advertisers ought to consistently decorate their campaigns with cultural fortunes. Contexts such as Yorùbá traditions, family affairs, religious nuances, savings, and historical notions are propagated cultural endowments that influenced the advertisements’ meaning potential.

Connotations facilitated the communication of Mama don land and the big bottle of Coca-Cola® the spirit of our nation and green-white-green dresses your work and Maman Aisha and the sacrifice of Christ with the crown of thorns. Besides anchorage and relaying functions interlocking the texts, one observed ambiguity ( your work Bae) in the Union Bank® and Wema Bank® advertisements. Although negligible, minor clause ( Happy Workers’ Day Eid Mubarak) are relevant grammatical elements of inducement. The analysis revealed the employment of nominal groups ( the lessons this Eid) as playing dominant roles in the constructs, verbal groups ( taste celebrate) and prepositional phrases ( from all of us at Fidelity Bank® of commerce), also operated as stimulating structures. This allowed the application of graphic illustrations to account for the frequency of communicative components. After stratifying the advertisements into appropriate organizations, the terminology of ‘Below the clause’, functioned as the processing instrument. To achieve that goal, ten advertisements of financial, food, and telecommunications industries, harvested from The Punch newspaper, the Internet and erected advertising frameworks, functioned as data of analysis. This study investigated cultural pieces of advertising to indicate the ways that publicists deploy socio-cultural resources as normative channels of persuading readers to consumption.

Ogunlusi teaches Marketing and Management courses in the Department of Administration and Management, and is the Acting Director of General Studies units, at Crawford University, Faith City, Igbesa, Nigeria. He has twelve publications in both international and local journals. His interest is in service marketing, product development, and business research methods. in Business Administration from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife (formerly known as University of Ife). Dalamu is a member of International Systemic Functional Linguistics Association (Isfla), exhibits a variety of 29 publications in reputable international journals across the globe. He specializes in Systemic Functional Linguistics, Discourse Analysis and Digital Humanities in relation, mostly, to advertising communications. As a faculty member, he currently teaches English at the Department of English and Literary Studies, Anchor University, Lagos, Nigeria. in english as a specific language from the University of Lagos.